
First off lets establish what PRP is (Platelet Rich Plasma). It is a process where blood is drawn and placed in a vial. The vial is then put in a mechanism called a Clinical Spinning Centerfuge Machine which spins rapidly to separate our blood from the plasma in our blood. Our blood carries plasma that is concentrated with our very own growth and healing factors that is used in a serum when Microneedling the dermis. This Process has been proven to have amazing results in scar removal, acne, fine lines, over all skin tone and tightness.
You will be thrilled with the results. Depending on who you get your procedure from will dictate the
change in over-all appearance. Our Aestheticians, Tres Jolie Medical Spa, make sure every inch of your face is done effectively. Meaning, every inch of your face should be abrased. This procedure hosts quite incredible results. Scaring, wrinkles, fine lines, skin fairness, tightness just to name a few, have all been a target of Microneedling. Call today to make your appointment or simply get our free consultation to find out more Microneedling from our medically trained staff.

Before participating in any Medical Procedure, make sure that you will be treated by a Medically Certified Licensed Care Provider. At Très Jolie Medical Spa, we are committed to Anti-Aging and Skin Rejuvenation Procedures. Our esteemed Medical Staff takes a personal stake in your well being. Susan Leskanic ARNP-C, is our Platinum Level Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Injector. She comes most sought after in Central Fl. Before you decide whom you will choose to represent your skin, inject your Botox or administer your Juvederm facial filler, take a look at our Google Reviews. They speak for themselves.